The Last Sentinel By Simon Gervais

Looking for a fast-paced adrenaline rush? You’ve chosen wisely. The Last Sentinel continues the twists-filled story arc of Simon Gervais’s new protagonist, Clayton White, as he finds himself hunted by an old adversary from the Middle East. 

The Last Sentinel is a tried and tested story of one’s violent past catching up to the present day. Clayton White’s term as a pararescue specialist in Baghdad saw him assassinating a high-ranking Iranian Quds Force leader, whose son later vows revenge on all those involved in the murder of his father.  When simultaneous attacks commence on those involved in the assassination, White quickly sobers up to prospect of eliminating the threat to protect his fiancée.

From explosive shootouts on survey ships to carnage in downtown New York, Gervais keeps the pedal to the metal on intense action sequences that are presented with accurate weapons details and fluid descriptions of combatants to give you an immersive reading experience. Add some crafty and unexpected twists to the mix along with a jaw dropping cliffhanger ending, and you’ve got yourself a thriller that is designed to be read in one sitting with a fast and furious pace. 

The Last Sentinel is the perfect adrenaline shot to kickstart your weekend. The relentless pace will keep you flipping the pages until you realize there aren’t any remaining.

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The Neighborhood By Matthew Betley

Like most if not all thriller fans, I had been awaiting Matthew Betley’s return to the thrillerverse for quite some time, especially with the secrecy around his new book. The Neighborhood is a classic Betley powerhouse of a thriller oozing unrelenting action and badassery out of every single page. It’s not hard to see why this was auctioned off to Hollywood even before its release.

Matthew Betley introduces readers to a brand new protagonist, Zachary Chambers. Zack’s living the suburban life with his family and putting his dark and violent past behind him when his neighborhood is attacked by a group of former special forces soldiers with a mission to acquire a particular object of utmost importance from one of Zack’s neighbors. The plan goes awry and violent, forcing Zack to step up into his warrior persona and go commando on the bad guys, letting the beast out once again.

Betley supercharges the narrative with quite a few well-timed and unexpected twists that drastically crank up the mystique and intrigue in a matter of a few pages once the action gets going. In the midst of brutal and vicious combat, the shocking revelations keep the full plot unpredictable throughout the length of the book, achieving its goal of keeping you up past your bedtime. Zack’s affiliation with the three-letter agency introduces a beguiling espionage angle into the story.

The spotlight of The Neighborhood is undoubtedly much more intense on the trademark smooth and snazzy action sequences extensively found in Betley’s books. Zack utilizes state of the art weaponry to take out his targets in awesomely savage shootouts and fisticuffs written in detailed style and finesse for the hardcore action fans to soak up.  You can’t help but wonder how spectacular the action would look on the screen.

Matthew Betley puts you in the hot seat as the narrative cranks gears in the blink of an eye. From the adrenaline-high of action to the sheer terror of being caught in such a grave circumstance, you experience a barrage of emotions and feelings on this thriller ride. Aside from a slightly anti-climactic ending and a bit of an unnatural conversational dialogues, this is a hot launching-pad for a lethal and witty new hero with a heart of gold and a penchant for stacking up a high body count. I can’t wait for him to meet Logan West, if that is in the cards. Chambers and West would be unstoppable! 

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I Will Kill You By Halo Scot

Halo Scott is one of the most unorthodox writers I’ve come across. His work is tinged with disturbingly evil characters, none more so than his protagonist who will haunt you for days to come after you read his escapades. As surprising as it may be, none of this takes away from how much I enjoyed this unique thriller.

Alex Osman is a full-blown psychopath, running his business empire with ruthless efficiency. Any time he runs into a problem, he takes care of it with utmost brutality. Think Wolf of Wall Street but even more vicious. He uses this escape to cope with the loss of his wife and raising his two children. His life takes a trippy detour when he meets a witting woman who somehow sees straight into Alex’s twisted and mangled psyche. With a deadly game of cat and mouse ensuing, will Alex give into his desires of violence, or will this new lady in Alex’s life be more than he can face? 

One of the most distinctive aspects of this thriller is the unabashed and unapologetic writing style. It’s not so much a narrative as it is a long-standing conversation between you and Alex as he breaks the fourth wall to speak directly to you and engorge you in dark and gruesome imagery of his actions. You’ve never read a more twisted protagonist than Alex, I can guarantee you that. Yet it’s mesmerizing how Halo Scott puts such a vile character in the front seat and makes the experience weirdly enjoyable and addictive. 

The lack of information about the storyline serves an important purpose to send you blindfolded into the story so that you can be bombarded with bloody amazement. Not to mention the fact that you wouldn’t believe the insane plot unless you read it in its entirety. This book is not for the faint-hearted: the disturbing mental images will stick with you, yet you’ll probably enjoy them.  The best piece of advice I can give based on my experience is that I Will Kill You stands out. Read it with the important disclaimer that you may not be the same person upon finishing this book as you were before you dove in. 

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Killers Of A Certain Age By Deanna Raybourn

Killers of a Certain Age is a peculiar and novel approach to the assassin-thriller subgenre and it’s one that works hilariously well.

Deanna Raybourn tells a fascinating tale of a group of female assassins who’ve just reached retirement at 60 years of age. What starts off as a fun cruise to commemorate this achievement quickly turns murderous when they realize they’ve been marked for termination by their former employee, an organization codenamed The Museum. Underestimated by the younger assassins, the retired group of femme fatales take the fight to the Board of the Museum, utilizing decades of contacts and wits and experience to turn the tide in their favor and show the younger generation that youth doesn’t trump experience as easily as one might expect.

The female voice lends tremendous credence to the highly entertaining, charming, and multi-dimensional female leads in this witty thriller. Deanna Raybourn portrays characters with balanced personalities whom you can actually picture as believable. Each assassin comes with her own set of skills and they master their craft with utmost precision, some however weathered by tragedies and existential crises appropriate for their ages.

The narrative switches between the present-day first person POV of Billie, arguably the take-charge leader of the group, and a third person POV that paints a broader picture of the mess these lovely assassins have landed themselves in. This wonderful switch-up makes it much easier to follow along the storyline with the back-and-forth of the timelines. 

Even at the spry age of 60, the assassins don’t hold back on kicking ass. The action sequences are swift, powerful, and grounded enough to show the change of fighting tactics with age with grace and lethal efficiency and none of the flashy showboat-y martial arts moves that wouldn’t make sense. The emphasis, as rightfully so for the assassins, is to incapacitate targets quickly and smartly. 

Deanna Raybourn has created a fascinating brand-new world of killers existing stealthily in the modern world. Color me highly impressed! I can’t wait to read more stories with these hilarious batch of characters. 

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A Simple Choice By David Pepper

A Simple Choice reads like a straight-out-of-headlines account of a conspiracy. David Pepper brings deep-rooted authenticity, with his insider knowledge of the heart of American politics.

Amity Jones, an army veteran, and Palmer Knight, a tv news correspondent, cross paths in the most unexpected ways when a respected senator jumps off a cliff for unknown reasons. Unsubstantiated rumors fly off with fingers pointing at nations with grudges against the United States of America. Both protagonists have stakes in investigating the senator’s death, especially when they’re caught in the crosshairs of a meticulously crafted and profound deep state that ensnares powerful individuals in the government with a simple choice.

David Pepper keeps the reader engaged with crisp chapters that alternate frequently between different POVs to keep the momentum running on seemingly different subplots that wonderfully entangle down the line. While there is no traditional action in this thriller, the political conspiracy that may very well be playing out in the shadows this very moment works much better with a focus on investigative and deductive narrative. Pepper gives a genuine insight into the current socioeconomic climate while introducing an intriguing mystery with fascinating and timely bits of technological warfare for the WOW factor. 

If you’re looking for a brainy thriller with a dangerously plausible plot and lifelike characters, A Simple Choice is a fantastic summer pick. 

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Alias Emma By Ava Glass

Ava Glass writes a compelling and classy action-packed narrative sporting a memorable debut in the spy genre. Her protagonist, Emma Makepeace, is a force to be reckoned with and is sure to become one of the most entertaining action icons of the future. 

Emma Makepeace is a British spy trained to be the best in taking the fight to her adversaries. Like a proper spy, nothing about her is real, not even her name. When Russian defectors start dying at the hands of a nasty group of assassins, Emma is assigned to protect a doctor who is the son of a family of defectors in London. With the city’s CCTV hacked by the same group of assassins and the inner sanctum of trust presumably breached, Emma and the good doctor are relentlessly pursued throughout the city, racking up shootouts, car chases, boat chases, and much more as Emma struggles to protects her charge.

The action hits fast and hard, bursting with rigorous energy and crisp visualization. Sidestepping a cliched romance, Glass keeps the emotional tension high but with a realistic purview of the mortal danger ahead of the protagonists. The London setting goes hand in hand with a classic espionage vibe that’s balanced superbly with high adrenaline and lively fleshed out heroes and villains, none more so than the charismatic Emma Makepeace who is wonderfully easy to fall in love with due to her spunky personality. As much as the narrative keeps a blistering furious pace, Ava Glass sneaks in much-needed insights into Emma’s origins as a spy and her motivations, tying in neatly with the present day as well as enriching the heart and soul of this adventurous thriller.

Alias Emma is a bona-fide action-heavy spy lore that’s packed with the right bit of misdirection and twists to keep each and every chapter passionately addictive and entertaining.

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FNG By Benjamin Spada

FNG packs glorious action driven by a pedal-to-the-metal narrative hellbent on entertaining you without measure. Benjamin Spada knows exactly what cocktail of guns and explosives thriller fans need.

Cole West has no idea what’s in store for him when he joins a top-secret black ops program, the only information known to outsiders is its menacing name, Black Spear. His indoctrination is thoroughly immersive as his first day on the job has him and his new team racing to uncover a biological threat posed by a paramilitary group of renegade veterans known only as Terminal, their mission a deeply personal and vengeful one to strike the government they believed failed them. Thrust right into the chaos of modern warfare with car chases, brutal fisticuffs, and gun fu, West must quickly adapt to meet the challenge before Terminal deploys a weapon that is devastatingly terrifying and fatal.

Benjamin Spada instills the fear of the impending doom deep in your bones with harrowing descriptions of how the biological threat works. It amplifies not only the intensity of the narrative but your investment in seeing Black Spear make it out of close-shave situations even when the odds go against them. Fighting not only regular bad guys but feral-zombified soldiers without letting them bite you is just one example of the high-danger high-voltage action sequences that keep you holding on for dear life as Spada takes you on a mission that may have ventured into sci-fi if not for the grounded setting so exquisitely woven through the current socio political crises.

If you need to get your fix of adrenaline, that’s one more reason you must read FNG. The bare-knuckled heart-pumping combat sequences are a genuine delight to those who have high standards for cinematic action that retain a strong aura of realism. It’s the beginning of an incredible new series filled with lots of intrigue and excitement. I can’t wait to read where Benjamin Spada takes this narrative next. 

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The Bourne Sacrifice By Brian Freeman

Brian Freeman brings Jason Bourne back for a personal mission in a way that hardcore Bourne fans will deeply appreciate as much as the newer readers. The Bourne Sacrifice is by far Brian Freeman’s best and most action-packed Jason Bourne narrative.

Jason Bourne has left Treadstone and is now running all over the globe in hunt of his adversary and terrorist, Lennon, who claims to have the missing puzzle of Bourne’s memory. When Lennon teams up with a new terror organization called The Pyramid that specializes in employing social warfare as their major arsenal to achieve world domination discreetly, Bourne finds his love interest and journalist, Abbey Laurent, in the crosshairs of The Pyramid’s latest attack. Jason Bourne must grapple with his biggest challenge yet, starting a happy life with Abbey or chasing down his truth at the peril of losing all that he cares about.

The Bourne Sacrifice packs guns-blazing knuckles-busting action sequences literally from the first chapter. Brian Freeman’s eye for writing grounded and gritty shootouts and hand-to-hand combat sequences has improved drastically from the previous two books. The rivalry between Bourne and Lennon beautifully mirrors the classic Cain vs Carlos from Ludlum’s books. Freeman pits the two opposing forces against each other in a brilliant and successful maneuver to build up the momentous tense energy between the two without rushing the resolution.

Brian Freeman has wonderfully modernized Jason Bourne for the modern cutting edge technological era without detracting from his proclivity to handle spycraft and violence personally. The twists and turns are plentiful and thoroughly entertaining, many of which you won’t see coming. The foreboding and grim writing style is more reminiscent of Ludlum’s than ever, yet fresh and creative in its own right, presenting a stunning combination of the two to give the whole experience an ingenious vibe.

The Bourne Sacrifice’s unexpected cliffhanger ending will have you anxiously awaiting the next book in the series the moment you turn over the last page, such is the captivating aura of Freeman’s books. A must-read for all spy thriller aficionados.

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The Nameless Height By J.D.Narramore

J.D. Narramore has concocted a splendid espionage narrative that takes you back to the days of the Cold War with all the shaky alliances and constant secrets held between friends and foes alike. 

Audrey Davis, former spy, is settling back into a life of safety and security in the United States after a turbulent time working undercover in Russia. When a former foe seeks her out for retribution for the events of the first book, Davis must step back into the field one more time to not only stop a murderous operative, but also prevent a global conflict just when US and Russia seem to be undergoing the mutual disarmament accords.

The rich aroma of crisp and fast-paced storytelling with the Cold War background is immaculately rendered by J.D. Narramore’s strong characterizations and world-building set extensively in the grounded events of history. Audrey Davis is an exhilarating protagonist. From her analytical mind to her tactical training, she takes the fight to the enemies of the United States of America with gritty determination and courage while grappling with the emotional upbringing of her sons troubled by the violence of her past.

This book packs quite a few pleasant surprises and kicks for fans of hard-hitting action, particularly those who wish to read aerial combat sequences like something out of Top Gun. If you’ve wanted to read F-14 Tomcats engage in cool and dangerous dogfights with Migs, you’ve got to read The Nameless Height.

The Nameless Height is an elegant cold-war espionage thriller balanced with precisely the right amount of cerebral spycraft and adrenaline-gushing action. J.D. Narramore is making a dent in the Thrillerverse and I can’t wait to read more of his spy thrillers. 

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Dirty War By Stephen Leather

Stephen Leather has one-upped himself (a tremendous feat) with one of the most ingeniously captivating and timely action thrillers pertaining to the most recent shift of geopolitical climate in the Middle East. 

Dirty War stars Stephen Leather’s distinctive hero, Dan “Spider” Shepherd as he uncovers a major terrorist plot to assassinate the Prime Minister of United Kingdom. This time, the threat’s personal to Spider; he’s the one who got the terrorist into the country in the first place.

Stephen Leather’s economy with words is matched only by the elegance of the straight-forward prose with resonating situations and highly believable and distinctive characters. Dan “Spider” Shepherd is part detective, part gunfighter, and all awesome. With an eidetic memory, Shepherd packs a killer memory for everything he sees and hears, a weapon that comes very handy when he’s working undercover. His weapons prowess is no less, as his proficiency with firearms and combat is displayed vividly throughout the narrative. Perhaps the only one who might give Shepherd a run for his money would be Matt Standing, a hot-headed gunslinger SAS trooper and a fan-favorite character in Leather’s universe of badass characters. Good thing they’re both on the same side when they infiltrate Afghanistan to rescue an asset in the heart of the troop recall last year, running and gunning through insurgents and bad guys in style.

Another huge positive point I truly admire in Stephen Leather’s writings is the lack of any sort of propaganda. Characters are multi-layered and serve the purpose of driving the nuanced emotional stakes without falling into pits of cliches and stereotypes. The political grievances conveyed through characters mirror common-sense worldview of current situations, resonating with all readers. From the well-known Dan Shepherd to the newer characters that join him, each character is a joy to root for, except for the bad guys who are truly despicable.

If you’re jonesing for a hardcore and smart edge-of-your-seat thriller with a balanced worldview of characters and motivations with superb shootouts in nail-biting intensity, Dirty War is the perfect pick.

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The It Girl By Ruth Ware

Ruth Ware’s intricately plotted whodunnit is marvelous and breathtaking. Its ultra-realistic narrative will keep you up at night as you unsuccessfully try to wrench yourself away from this gem for a modicum of sleep.

The It Girl follows the story of Hannah Jones in two timelines, one before the horrific murder of her Oxford roommate, and the other years later. When a journalist ambushes Hannah with the possibility that the supposed murderer Hannah helped convict may have been innocent, her life unravels as she sets off on a mission to uncover the truth while wrestling with heart-shattering guilt of possibly condemning an innocent man to death. 

As a first-time reader of Ruth Ware’s works, I was thoroughly impressed by her ability to craft such a riveting slow burn that navigated brilliantly through the chapters alternating between past and present in a manner that enchanted me in the pleasant but dangerous “just one more chapter” frame of mind. 

Spending the perfect amount of time on setting up an emotional investment in each of the involved characters, Ware compels you to feel for Hannah’s predicament and join her, heart and soul, in her search for the truth while planting seeds through ingenious parallels between the two timelines for a satisfying denouement to the mystery.

The It Girl requires you to keep your game face on from the very beginning and undeniably till the last sentence, lest you miss out on subtle nuances that Ruth Ware excels at projecting in dialogues and situations throughout the narrative. Masterfully crafted storytelling laid bare for thriller fans to enjoy deeply.

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The 6:20 Man By David Baldacci

David Baldacci’s gift for writing fleshed out characters that feel larger than life and supremely entertaining makes The 6:20 Man a distinctive thriller set in cutthroat Wall Street setting with a charismatic and impressionable protagonist who has quickly become a favorite of mine.

Travis Devine is a character who speaks to all readers who feel lost in the constant hustle bustle of making money at the cost of their sanity. Trading in his Army uniform for a Wall Street suit, he rides the daily 6:20 train to work, joined by others like him on the constant prowl for success. What starts off like just another office day turns cruel quickly when a former flame of Devine turns up dead in the office storage room, supposedly having killed herself; only thing is that Devine receives a cryptic message that screams otherwise. With a megalomaniac at the helm of Devine’s firm making some unsavory decisions to make a quick and dirty buck, Devine finds himself embroiled in a financial conspiracy spanning global territories. He must utilize his army training as well as his street smarts to get to the heart of the conspiracy before the bullseye finds its way on his back.

The 6:20 Man is superbly paced throughout, starting off with a gentle ease to introduce Devine and his predicaments to gel well with the readers before the momentum picks up speed and propels readers and Devine alike into the mystery. The action is akin to the Reacher series, with powerful descriptions of hand to hand combat sequences and crisp shootouts. Devine’s physical prowess is a delight to read as he gets into skirmishes with antagonists and tackles his opponents with awe-inspiring moves.

Not only is Devine proficient at dispatching threats, he’s also a very convincing leading hero to have a whole narrative centered around him. Baldacci’s singular focal point on Devine in the entirety of the narrative immensely elevates the unpredictability of the plot and makes for a much more page-burning intense read as you can’t help but follow Devine into battle as a modern day knight in shining armor. Devine embodies the best of humanity in the worst of situations, from religious beliefs to general empathy towards his fellow peers, making him that much easy to root for.

The 6:20 Man offers a gleaming insight into the world of finance with technical details to spruce up the content aligned with the plot without becoming too overbearing for non-finance majors. The beauty of the narrative however lies in the experience that even 80% into the narrative, you won’t have all the pieces to solve the gut-wrenching mystery. It’s only at the moment of truth where the WOAH factor kicks in to paint the full picture that sparked the entire conspiracy. It’s a twist I did not see coming. 

Dark, visceral, action-packed, and at times disturbing, The 6:20 Man is an extraordinary kickoff to a brand new protagonist by an author who understands the essence of establishing an enchanting leading character with memorable moments and a distinctive storyline.    

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Dark Objects By Simon Toyne

From the get-go, Dark Objects distinguishes itself as something more than your ordinary murder-investigation thriller.  Written with an uncharacteristically beautiful prose that chills you deep down to your bones, this book is crafted brilliantly as a magnificent crime thriller that stands up to the best in the genre with more diversity and ingenuity than usually explored.

When a gruesome murder of a woman in a high tech secure house shakes the confidence of the elites in London, Forensics expert Laughlin Rees is pulled into the heart of the mystery when her book on how to process a murder is left by the murderer at the crime scene. Partnering up with the lead investigator, DCI Tannahill Khan, Rees must overcome her dark past with murderers to stop this one before she finds her daughter in the crosshairs of the unhinged murderer.

Dark Objects is not for the faint-hearted. Simon Toyne does not shy away from painting a vividly disturbing and ultimately realistic picture of horrifying crime scenes that carry the gravitas to propel the characters into action. Toyne’s insights into crime scene investigation make for one of the most shrewd and cunning works of literature I’ve read of recent. Coupled with a keen eye for introducing distinctive characters of both male and female genders, Toyne keeps the narrative fresh and engaging; Tannahill’s representation as an Irish-Pakistani is one I haven’t read in mainstream books, especially with the authenticity of Toyne’s indisputable research of the cultures. Rees herself is a very formidable and aptly written female protagonist with a heart of gold and the rage of a warrior. At no point during the whole narrative did she seem the least bit unnecessarily sexualized or overtly emotional for the sake of being a female character. Her martial arts training pays dividends during the climax.

The heart of this narrative is the art of processing a crime scene. Toyne walks readers through the grim and violent scenes with an expert hand, describing the scenes and emotions artfully. Every laser focused detail acts like an important puzzle piece to solve the mystery of the crime scene, leaving no single sentence wasted. Rees’s forensics mindset is a delight to traverse as she picks through the evidence smartly and energetically, amping up each chapter with vigor and enthusiasm. 

Dark Objects is a must-read for all those who enjoy dabbling in dark stories where gray subject matters persist more than the typical straightforward resolutions. Captured artistically against the cloudy skylines of London, this cinematic thriller is one that will stay with you.

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Upgrade By Blake Crouch

It’s a rarity to come across a thriller that I can describe as a beautiful and ruminative work of literature that’s almost poetic in the way words and events mesh together to form the big picture. Upgrade by Blake Crouch is a gem of a novel that speaks to you on a molecular level.

The first person POV narration puts you in the mind of Logan Ramsey, an agent for the Gene Protection Agency. In the near future, gene editing has become frequent and illegal, putting agents like Logan into harm's way of stopping dangerous gene manipulations. On a raid, a mysterious ambush leaves Logan upgraded with faster and better genes. With nebulous, bordering on sinister, forces in the shadows responsible for this act, Logan must quickly work his way to the truth before the fate of humanity is altered forever.

Blake Crouch broaches the topic of transcending intelligence at the cost of forgoing one’s humanity. You can feel the techno-noir colors and sceneries emanating from Crouch’s grimly poetic descriptions of the futuristic environment and characters, on par with the mastery of the futuristic noir-world of Blade Runner movies. Crouch’s detailed research on current technological trends leading into the not-so-distant future makes for a riveting storytelling world where no concept feels too far-fetched and every development and calamity mentioned in the narrative has a high probability of happening. The prospect of advanced but still not yet sentient artificial intelligence grounds the reading experience even more, as if glimpsing into the coming few years through a portal.

Logan Ramsey is one of the most well-written protagonists of recent. Developed from the beginning with inklings of shadowy past and tortured memories, Logan quickly becomes a highly relatable and rootable character whom you follow through some harrowing scenarios and adrenaline-pumping action sequences. His transformation on a cellular level is explored on a scientifically exhilarating platform as well as a more haunting train of thoughts where the prospect of changing a person’s DNA to the point of new identity is nail-bitingly intense to say the least, yet so beautifully and eloquently worded with Crouch’s colorful and flavorful prose. 

There’s no denying that an upgrade to Logan’s DNA makes for some brutal and fast-paced action sequences with awesome shootouts involving Logan emptying 12 rounds of FN 5.7 pistol at combatants in a span of 2 seconds. Add some throat-breaking fisticuffs to the mix and you’ve got heart-winning action with a keen eye for tactical and technical details. 

Upgrade is a big-brain thriller that not only presents a grim and dark vision of human evolution but also balances it with hopeful and heartfelt subtle commentary on the brighter side of humanity and how to achieve it. It’s a book we desperately need to read today and absorb in all its glory. Coupling intelligent lessons with mind-blowing twists and energetic action, Upgrade is essentially a super-thriller!  

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Into The Darkness By Charles Hack

Charles Hack’s exciting fusion of space sci-fi and military action is every bit as enthralling and wild as it sounds. From the thoroughly descriptive alien worlds to the more traditional style of cutthroat paranoia and action, Into the Darkness never falters in its goal to keep you hooked in for the entire length of the narrative.

The Space Warfare Group is an elite squadron of battle-hardened warriors responsible for enforcing galactic laws and security. When a princess of an alien race is abducted from her spacecraft by brutish space pirates that wear the bones of their victims, Major Malcolm Lambert must lead his warriors to rescue the princess after it’s revealed she possesses a secret of the galaxy that must not be divulged to the wrong people under any circumstances. What Lambert doesn’t know is that there are forces higher up the leadership ladder that are setting up a trap for him. With no one but himself and his team to trust, Lambert must navigate through space combat and nasty betrayals at every turn lest he be too late to save the princess from her breaking point.

While the premise may sound far too “sci-fi” for traditional thriller aficionados, Charles Hack keeps a heavy emphasis on military-styled narrative and action. Even with shiny new types of weaponry, Hack undeniably draws the inspirations from contemporary arsenal that thriller readers are more familiar with and augments them with awesome sci-fi inspired weapon designs in precise and vivid illustrations that go delightfully with the awe-striking action sequences using all sorts of firearms. 

Charles Hack has adroitly set up a fantastical new world of different civilizations with meaningful character developments and personalities that leap out of the page for an immersive reading experience. From the more familiar humans to surprisingly relatable extraterrestrial beings, the narrative gives essential insights into different aspects of the bigger picture beyond Major Lambert’s mission. It’s this world-building that sticks with you and makes you crave for more stories to be told in this bold newfangled universe. Luckily, the way this book ends with such a breathtaking cliffhanger promises more to come from this budding author. 

Into the Darkness is an adventurous and exquisite beginning of a new style of military thrillers with ingenious imagination, hardcore action, and healthy mistrust of the chain of command.

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Rising Tiger By Brad Thor

Brad Thor dazzles thriller-readers with a fresh backdrop and environment to the gun-toting action sequences fans have come to expect in abundance. This time, Harvath’s mission takes him deep into the heart of the exotic Asian subcontinent. Rising Tiger raises the bar for Scot Harvath.

Harvath is pulled out of the Afghan theater after rescuing an ally to investigate the murder of an American diplomat in India. With a deadly conflict brewing between India and China, Harvath teams up with a street-smart cop, Vijay, and a tenacious RAW agent, Asha, as their paths cross through raging shootouts and shady backwaters of the criminal frontier in India. Taking more of an investigator than operator role here, Harvath must solve the American’s murder before a deadly plan takes fruition and plunges America into another war.

Thor’s impressive research of Indian culture goes a long way to establish the authenticity and vividness of each experience described thoughtfully in the narrative. From the distinctive smells of Indian street food to the bright festivals, the details help readers clearly visualize Harvath’s escapades with a touch of humor and lightheartedness in an otherwise grave and intense storyline. Rising Tiger incorporates important topics pertaining to religious and political stability of the region and I was pleasantly surprised to see an informed approach to the subject matters without leaning into heavy bias for any one side of the equation. 

The hot and heavy action is another huge positive point in Rising Tiger. There’s no loss of momentum or interest in any way whatsoever throughout the chapters as Brad Thor keeps you entertained with non-stop shootouts and sticky situations handled with realistic purview. The urban and dense setting makes for some exciting showdowns with enemy combatants.

Rising Tiger benefits greatly from Harvath’s venture into a lesser explored region and Thor’s exquisite storytelling that catapults readers with sheer excitement into the spotlight of fast-paced twists and turns. Previously I had pegged Black Ice as the most fun I had with a Brad Thor thriller, but Rising Tiger has officially claimed that spot now.

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Armored By Mark Greaney

Mark Greaney strikes gold once again with a brand-new series that’s every bit as action-packed as the Gray Man series but with a fundamentally different protagonist to spice things up.

Joshua Duffy is a former Close Protection Agent who after a botched operation becomes a mall cop due to a grave physical injury. Strapped for cash to provide good-living for his family, he undertakes a contracting assignment to protect a convoy of UN officials cutting through the Mexican ganglands to meet with a feared drug lord. A seemingly simple protection detail takes a major detour when traitors and hidden agendas surface in the midst of constant shootouts and explosions. Duffy must overcome his demons and get back to his family before his enemies can outsmart and outgun him.

Mark Greaney’s tactical and technical knowledge is showcased big time in Armored with a plethora of facts and imagery for weapons systems and equipment in the vein of Tom Clancy’s detail-heavy writing. At the same time, Greaney maintains a clear spotlight on the driving force of the narrative; the rag tag group of characters with their realistic and hilarious strengths and flaws that add a touch of chaotic realism to the explosives-laden storyline. Josh Duffy is no Gray Man. As a husband and father, Duffy is a man with a lot to lose. His desire to provide for his family is a universal tone that hits harder and closer to home than perhaps any other, making him the ideal hero to cheer for as he navigates through the wildlands with his new team of mercenaries who grow on you as you make your way down the story. 

It’s a no-brainer that this book was picked up even before release for a movie adaptation. Greaney’s cinematic writing style effortlessly captures the thriller trifecta; extensive storytelling spanning multiple timelines, authentic characters, and spectacular action sequences from the very first chapter. You’ll find yourself in the thick of the battlefield with Greaney’s attention-to-detail in describing everything from the hot brass of ammo to the green of the forests. Armored is the perfect action-packed adventure to either get you out of a reading slump or make your reading streak even hotter!

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Outside By Ragnar Jonasson

Outside is a bone-chilling, hair-raising mystery that will have you making hot cocoa and curling up in warm sheets courtesy of Ragnar Jonasson’s haunting descriptions of the cold Icelandic setting. Beware, Jonasson’s manner of establishing a sinister and devious situation with relatable and deeply disturbing characters makes Outside the perfect story to read during nighttime.

Picture a dangerous and heavy snowstorm raging down upon a small hut in the middle of nowhere, trapping 4 friends in for a long haul. Seems pretty harmless, until the secrets start flowing into the open and suddenly nothing is what it seems and no one is who they say they are. Was it fate that they ended up in that hut, and do they have company, are just two of the many more burning questions you’ll have while breezing through this relentless mystery that turns darker by each page.

Jonasson excels at crafting realistic and resonating multi-layered characters that elevate the stakes to dangerously addictive levels for the readers, enchanting and destroying the readers simultaneously with horrible acts that are not too far from what we see in society today. There is a pungent aura of mystique and unsettling climax as the narrative progresses via POVs of each of the 4 characters, keeping your imagination running wild as you wrack your brain to figure out the mystery before its too late for the characters you’re rooting for.

Outside is a magnificent whodunnit story of grief, bad choices, and human nature that speaks to readers on a personal level. The resolution is sure to cause division among readers; Jonasson does not offer a clean ending but rather settles the major premise of the book, leaving the rest to the imagination of the readers. It caught me off guard but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense for a confined-setting story set completely in one location. I would not be surprised if this is picked up for a movie adaptation, it certainly embodies the cinematic charisma.

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China Hand By Scott Spacek

China Hand is an exotic blend of high-octane action, blooming romance, and realistic espionage. It’s hard to believe that such a refined thriller is indeed Scott Spacek’s debut; the attention to detail and extensive research to the socio-political climate in the narrative is indicative of a much more experienced author.

Andrew Callahan is an ambitious graduate of Harvard with the goal to work at one of the most prestigious financial institutions, going as far as moving to China for a year to teach at the renowned International Affairs University that caters exclusively if not explicitly to diplomats and spies. Suddenly, he’s thrust into a high stakes espionage game where he’s tasked with extracting a high value defector with secrets that hold dire consequences for US-China relations. Putting his life at risk, Andrew must step up to the challenge and improvise through deceptions and bone-cracking action in an intense and nail-biting race-against-time.

Scott Spacek has created a captivating and thrilling adventure with splendid focus on his highly relatable protagonist, adopting a first person POV to help readers explore China with experiences that seem so lifelike and authentic; from the smells of the streets to the political ideology of the dangers of a government that constantly surveils its people with an iron fist and limiting privacy, the bold narrative of China Hand is tremendously thought-provoking and exciting as you yearn to read more about the characters and their perspectives.

The action is raw and aggressive as Andrew Callahan makes use of any and all weapons at his disposal to gain an edge over his opponents. Given that Andrew has no background in violence except for martial arts training, you can’t help but root ferociously for him as he uses his wits and his gradually-improving skills of hand-to-hand combat to get out of sticky situations.

The crux of China Hand is ultimately a fresh and delightful tale of forbidden love against overwhelming odds with the intense backdrop of a spy thriller and a plethora of grand and diverse characters. In a nutshell, you won’t want to put the book down once you’ve started reading.

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Shadow Tier By Steve Stratton

Shadow Tier is a solid action thriller that takes readers on a vicious journey of gut-wrenching loss and action-packed retribution with a new take on the war on drugs.

Steve Stratton debuts Lance Wolf, a trained operative good with both tech and guns. When his parents are brutally gunned down by cartel members working for El Chapo, Wolf vows to utilize his military skills to use against the murderers of his parents. What follows is literally non-stop action with detailed weaponry and tactics as Wolf goes rogue with a team of soldiers operating under the radar to wreak havoc on the cartel on both sides of the border.

The characters are established in a relatable manner for readers to either root for or against, depending on their allegiances. Stratton drives the story with Wolf’s emotions at the loss of his parents and the contemplation of whether he has looked too long in the dark abyss, giving realistic gravitas to the idea of vengeance. Even the typical bad guys are imbued with layers of resonating traits that differentiate the story from a simple shoot-em-up narrative.

As mentioned, there is no shortage of well-executed action sequences throughout the narrative. Wolf utilizes a myriad of weaponry ranging from suppressed Russian pistols to M4 rifles on his unsanctioned path for revenge. The shootouts will catch you off-guard at times in ambush scenarios where Wolf and his team have to think on their feet to fight back. The author displays keen knowledge of military tactics and shootout techniques which color the sequences highly realistic. 

Shadow Tier tackles a largely unexplored territory of the thriller genre, the drug arena, albeit in a slightly different manner. Ordinarily, you don’t get to read a protagonist on a mission to capture/kill El Chapo in every action thriller. The story ends with the promise of more to come and further exciting developments to take place, and I am very excited to see where Stratton takes the characters next.

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