Storm Rising By Chris Hauty

Storm Rising is hands down the best Hayley Chill thriller so far. Chris Hauty dazzles readers with an ambitious story and prophetic writing that propels the series to a whole new level of awesomeness and badassery.

Dealing with the harrowing discovery about her father at the end of Savage Road, Hayley Chill breaks apart from her life at the White House. However, a burning desire to know more about her father’s secrets pulls her into a conspiracy that threatens to shake the foundation of America on its head in a bizarrely plausible scenario. Putting her patriotic duty above all else, Hayley dives head first into the storm to find answers before all hell breaks loose.

Hayley Chill is a bona-fide legend this time around. Chris Hauty spares no expense when it comes to developing his protagonist as a clinically detached warrior yet with fascinating inklings of warmth lurking beneath the emotional armor. Hayley faces quite a few personal and unexpected dilemmas in addition to cracking down on racists that provide a much-needed platform for stupendous character growth and maturity. 

It comes as no surprise that Chris Hauty packs tremendous surprises and twists in his books but Storm Rising elevates the trend with quite few of the most haunting and darkest turns yet that hit you out of nowhere and leave you with a scary chill (pun rightfully intended). The meandering plot is accompanied with its fair share of knuckle-blustering and .45 caliber heavy action sequences. The climactic shootout is expertly crafted and vividly described in an utmost immersive experience with a keen eye for weapons descriptions down to the smooth and crisp trigger pull as Hayley engages her adversaries with her War Hawk pistol.

Storm Rising is one of the best thrillers you’ll read this year and that’s an unassailable fact. Chris Hauty’s distinctive writing style makes for a memorable read as he expertly zooms in and out of the different POVs without cluttering the chain of events, giving the sense of a screenwriting-like style of narrative. If you only read a handful of books this year, you need to make sure this is included in your list.

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