Wild Card By Stephen England

Wild Card belongs in the VIP portfolio of the thriller genre that exclusively caters to the most terrifying stories, made so by the uber-realistic story and characters that make you pause and wonder if you’re actually reading a factual account rather than fiction. Stephen England brings his A-game with a flashback story of Harry Nichols as he begins his descent into the pit of darkness that comes with the territory of fighting monsters in the abyss.

It’s 2007 in Germany and Harry Nichols is assigned to aid the capture and rendition of an asset who has fled from Turkey. What should have been a simple snatch and grab operation blows up into a much bigger mission as a terrorist plot is unveiled to strike at Americans. Against the ticking countdown to impending doom, Nichols must work with his German allies to stop the attack. Before the end of the plot, Nichols is further molded into the dark rule-breaking blue-eyed operator who we’ve come to love and fear.

While most of Stephen England’s stories pack copious amounts of hard-hitting action, Wild Card dials down on the combat and instead tunes into the desperation and tension of uncovering the full scope of the terrorist plot in a highly believable turn of events that will have you biting your nails to the stub while you wrack your brain in overdrive to predict the unpredictable; one of the trademark elements of a Stephen England story. Harry Nichols’s evolution is one of the most impactful and Wild Card indulges intriguing insights into his character as a relatively less weathered paramilitary officer hardened by the brutality and frustrated by the political bureaucracy that clogs the well-oiled machinery of operations. The despair and panic seep clean through the pages into the hearts and minds of the readers for a truly immersive read without pushing any bigoted or racist agendas, rather presenting thoroughly and respectfully researched characters and situations.

Wild Card is utterly brilliant and gripping to the very end, presenting itself as an excellent gateway into the riveting Shadow Warriors series. One of 2022’s most highly awaited books, standing up to high expectations and even surpassing them.

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