The Bang-Bang Sisters By Rio Youers

Sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll may be cool, but in The Bang-Bang Sisters it’s made apparent that weapons, death and rock ‘n roll generate the superior thriller novel.  Rio Youers has turned up the volume to eleven and delivered a headbanging, moshing, pulsating, melt your face off smash hit of a story. 

Brea, Jessie and Flo are the mighty trio making up a kick-ass rock band that excites and entertains crowds across the country.  But offstage they’re bad-ass vigilantes called the Bang-Bang Sisters, killing criminals who have escaped justice and have been marked for death by an underground hacker community known as The Trace.  After the final gig of their latest road trip, the sisters get a lead on a notorious serial killer in Reedsville, Alabama that is too enticing to ignore.  But once they get there, they’re ensnared in a trap by a local businessman/criminal hellbent on revenge, forced into a game where they have 48 hours to kill each other – only one of them can be left standing in the end – or their loved ones will be killed instead.  Beat up, dejected and with seemingly no way out, the three women reluctantly start playing the game.  But if a small sliver of an opportunity presents itself, rest assured the Bang-Bang sisters will seize upon it and won’t go down without one hell of a fight.

To best describe The Bang-Bang Sisters let’s look to rock lyrics for inspiration….

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now – it's just a Bang Bang sister about to turn you into worm food.  Ain't no doubt about it these ladies are doubly blessed, 'cause they are rock ‘n rollers and roaming vigilantes.  And gals like these, baby, they were born to run.  So when the going gets tough, the tough get going.  But while this game makes them afraid and petrified, they realize a need to find some kind of way outta here, figuring out along the way that freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose and that it’s better to burn out than to fade away.  They don’t wanna die, but if their tormentors get their way they’ll wish they’d never been born at all.  However they won’t stop believing.  Here they are and they will rock you like a hurricane.  And they will survive.  Because as long as they know how to love, they know they’ll stay alive.

The Bang-Bang Sisters is a symphony of violence and emotion.  A novel that totally rocks.  Action packed and filled with gut wrenching conflicts.  Dark and deep with tremendous characters.  A must-read thriller that upon cracking it open you’ll swear you hear a voice screaming for those about to rock, we salute you!

Follow Steve on Twitter or contact him via the site.

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