The Enigma Girl By Henry Porter

The Engima Girl starts wide open, leaving readers wondering if having picked this book up you are now in the middle of a series.  Don’t worry, you have not.  Slim’s backstory will become unveiled and necessary as this book continues at a breakneck pace. However, after finishing let me assure you that a prequel or a second book could easily follow, and you will run to pick it up

Alice ‘Slim’ Parsons is a 4th generation spy.  She is a skilled and determined MI5 agent who recently left a deep cover operation in which she was nearly sexually assaulted.  The agency doesn’t see the outcome of what happened as she does.   Everyone must come to an agreement on how to proceed because Slim is a much-needed asset and is great at her job.  Alice is needed to work as a journalist with a regional news source who is exposing secrets that should not be released to the public.  The agency needs to know who the mole is.

As Slim prepares to start her new placement, and begins her research, she finds connections between her future coworkers for the assignment and Bletchley Park, Hut 6, and the German Enigma Operators and Code Breakers.  One of her coworkers' fathers had joined Bletchley Park in 1942.  Her research leads to rabbit hole after rabbit hole giving her fodder to work with. 

Do not let the size of this book deter you or wonder if there will be parts of it that slow down or lag.  Nope!  There's a wealth of content to absorb, and the reader will never lose the need for one more chapter. The story unfolds at a steady rhythm, carefully building the scenes and developing its characters. Just when you think you’ve settled in, a surge of action accelerates the pace, only to ease back before the cycle begins again, keeping the momentum fresh and engaging throughout.  

The Enigma Girl is a brilliant example of modern espionage fiction.  It is thought-provoking and masterfully written blending current events, the characters’ backgrounds and history adding in the perfect amount of danger making this a very memorable story!  Like other readers, I agree, this is very much in the style of LeCarre and those are big shoes to fill. 

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